Bear Home Meer

Bear Home Meer

Thursday, June 28, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 062812

Warm up : 200 free , 200 choice non -free. Kick Set : 6 x 75 ; Dolphin,Back, Br 1st 75. 2nd 75 ;Back, Breast , Free . 3rd 75 ; Breast , Free ,Fly. REPEAT 2 Times.Maximum underwaters off of walls. No boards or fins. Drill Set : 12 x 50 drills (4 x 3) Start with Fly drills 3 x 50, then Back 3 x 50, 3x 50 breast drill, and finally 3 x 50 Freestyle drill. MAIN SET : Pyramid - 150 free,200 IM,3 x 100 descend free,400 IM ,300 pull,200 swim 3 stroke -6 kick drill, 100 with underwater flips from 2/3 lap in and 1/3 lap out of wall(yes that means one lap underwater),50 of 25 piston kick/sculling arms,25 "heads up" freestyle. 2 laps active rest (easy). 3050 plus yards

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 062712

Warmup : 3,2,1 ; 300 swim free, 2 x 100 IM (book ended)and one hundred free .. Drill set : Hybrid strokes ; 4 x 50 (free w/ dolphin,Back w/ dolphin kick,Breast w/ dolphin kick ,and Fly with breast stroke kick. 200 ;3 stroke ,6 kick alternating free and back by 50. Kick set : How many laps can you swim in 8 minutes ? Main set : LQS (long Quality swim) 500 freestyle, 300 pull,400 free,200 pull, 300 free ,100 pull.... Warm down, Thanks

Monday, June 25, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 062512

Warmup: 300 freestyle . Drill set : 2x 100 fashion model backstroke.2 x 100 short axis choice drill. Kick set : 400 IM order kick with one of each stroke done with "heads up Sculling"(yes,even the backstroke). This is a little set I threw at the Masters on Sunday: 2 x 200 yd Sandwiches- First IM Sandwich : 200 free(Burst,Build,Easy,Fast x 50 ),followed by 15 seconds rest.Then 200 IM . 15 seconds rest then 200 free (race pace). Second is a Freestyle Sandwich - 200 IM ,15 sec rest into a 200 FIST free (reference Popovs-rollover drill on youtube)Early vertical forearm. 15 seconds rest then into a 200 IM all Drill with continuity maintained within lane. Next is 3 groups of 2 x 100 Descending 5 seconds with each cluster: Ex. 2 on 1:30,2 on 1:25,2 on 1:20 . finish with 12 x 25 Half from a dive.3 each of 4 strokes. Warm down: Job well done !!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bear Swimming Workout 062112

Warmup : 300 free . Drill set : 2x 200 IM s drill(uniform through group).Recommend 1 arm,other arm 2 arm fly drill,sgt back drill,double kick br or 1 st br,one stroke fly....,Catchup freestyle with hands entering on train tracks at 11 and 1 o'clock. Kick Set: 500 RIMO : 125 of each stroke kick. Main set : 9x 100 ( 3 groups of 3x 100) free :(first 3x), Butterfly :(2nd 3x), Freestyle (3rd 3x). each group of three is descending by a solid 2-3 seconds. break... 9 x 50 -yes three goups of three descend in each group. Order : 3x back,3x br,3x free Warm down, Thanks 2550 yds. plus warm down

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bear Swimming Workout 062012

Warmup : 300 free- long strokes. Drill Set : Broken 400 IM - Fist fly,Catchup backstroke, 2 kick per stroke breast stroke, fist free -last lap heads up. Kick Set : 6 x 75 build, fast, burst is the order by 25 (long axis strokes) Main Set: 3 x 200 ( Im sandwich) , 3 x 100 ( 100 fly, 100 back, 100 breast),3 x 50 free descend within group. All of these are on tight intervals. To be determined. 28 x 25 ( 7 x 4.25's) 1/2 from diving start - strokes to be called out. Warm down... 150 yards . 2900 yards not including warmdown. Thanks

Monday, June 18, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 061812

Warmup : 3,2,1 : 3x 100 free plus 2 x 50 short axis drill choice,1 x 100 IM. Kick set : 4 x 125 - 50 fly,25 back ,25 breast,25 free (breast and free on back with streamline). Drill Set : Backstroke sgt drills x 50,freestyle 3 stroke 6 kick 50's x 2 ,Short axis: breast kick-touching feet to hands for 50,then 50 butterfly/breast combo drill(one stroke of each) Main set : 8 x 50 IM order on tight interval + 200 freestyle , then 8 x 50 free on a tight interval + a fast 200 IM . 100 scull,200 warm down 2750 yards As usual Blue group is expected to acheive 50% of total yardage with sets modified to fit alotted time. Thanks !

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bear Swimming Workout 061412

Warmup : 1 x 100 free, 2 x 100 drill + 3 x 75 kds im order no free. Drill Set : 4 x 50 of Popov rollover drill(early vertical forearm),5 x 25 underwater. Kick set : 6 x 100 alternating flutter on each side for 25 then dolphin on same side for 25 , then switch sides and maintain order. Main Set : 7 x 75 on hard interval(fly,back,br,fly,back,br.....), 8x 50 "Race Pace" freestyle on a tight interval. 9x 25 Cool down , then hopefully earn 10 Minutes of free time. Good Job Bears ! 2600 yards

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bear Swimming Workout 061312

Warmup: 2 x 200 free ,1st long,second bi-lateral breathing. Drill Set : rotation drills by 90 degrees and 12 kicks-4x 50,followed by sculling forward and feet first x 50's, 2 x 50 heads up sculling 1 lap piston kick. 2 x 50 one arm(dead arm drill) . Kick Set : 500: 125 of each stroke. Max underwater. Main set : 12 x 50 ( 3x4 IM order) stroke with double deepwater free. 6 x 100 IM(less free) second group of 3 -fist swimming. Cool Down.........

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 060712

Warmup: Swim 400 freestyle straight. Kick Set :(50's) 25 overkick followed by a 25 underwater dolphin on your back. Repeat 4 x.Rest interval no more than 10 seconds. 2nd component of kick set:(50's) 25 piston kick,sculling arms followed by a 25 dolphin on your side. repeat 4x . Drill set: 400 kdsk,x IM order. Main Set : 4 x 200 alternating free by 200 im on Tight Intervals.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Warmup : 300 swim(freestyle long),200 short axis kick,100 drill butterfly. Kick set : 4x 100 Burst,build ,easy ,fast - one 100 of each stroke . Main Set:10 x 50 y Double Deepwaters; vertical kick off wall for 20 seconds,then sprint into a 50 free with an underwater flip that does not touch the wall !!(submerging from flag to flag underwater-in and out of turn). 2nd component of Main Set- 6 x 150 - 50 free,50 stroke(IM order),50 stroke drill. Strokes: IM order -no free Starts and turns,cool down/active rest.

Monday, June 4, 2012

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 060412

Warmup: 400 swim choice, Drill set : 3 stroke 6 kick free drill x 200. rotation kicking by 90 degrees(quadrant kicking) 6 kick switch quadrant...... Kick Set : 400 RIMO with max underwater off walls. Main Set : 4x 225 - 100 freestyle,10 seconds rest,75 IM(no free)...5 seconds rest, then 50 Kick on back :dolphin or Flutter. Starts and turns in prep for meet. Cool down.

BEAR SWIMMING 11/11/2023

Hello, Just checking in and recommending any of our workouts as point of departure sets on you're Swimming fitness journey. Coach Pat i...