Bear Home Meer

Bear Home Meer

Monday, March 24, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 032414

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. Warmup : 321 -300 Swim Choice,200 Pull,100 Kick. Meet Review and light workout for those who swam the meet. 4 x 150 kick Stroke order. Main set : 5 x 200 - #1,3 150 medium ,50 sprint.#2,4 100 medium,100 fast. # 5 50 medium pace,150 fast ALL FREESTYLE. 2 x 200 short axis drills,200 hypoxic,2 x 25 skimmers. 200 warm down.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 032014

Stretching and light dryland. 321 warmup. Meet Prep. Swim your events. Working on Starts and Turns. Thank you

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 031914

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. Aquatic warmup : 321- 300 Swim, 200 Pull,100 kick. We will work on speed and Meet preparation today. Short sets,higher intensity with a focus on starts and turns. Thank you

Monday, March 17, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 031714

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. Warmup : 222 - 200 swim,200 pull,200 kick. 4 x 100 Kick - variables of dolphin and flutter. 4 x 100 SKiDS - Swim, Kick,Drill,Swim by stroke order. Starts : 16 Deepwater starts and perfect turns. 2 x 100 Kick -short axis (dolphin and breastroke). 4 x 100 Stroke. 8 x 50 from blocks/8 x 25 Blue/Gold groups. 2oo hypoxic (breathing every 7-10th stroke). 200 warm down.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 031314

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. Warmup 222- 200 swim choice ,200 pull, 200 kick. Resistance swimming(bands and chutes with fins and center snorkels)10 x 50. Kick set 4 x 100 TOMBSTONE board kicking (odds dolphin,evens flutter). Davis mile(evens IM order), odds free (# 7 drill). 6 x 50 Hypoxic free working on speed in and out of turns (swum as variables-half lap medium,full lap sprint,half lap medium). Stickels Butterfly drills 4 x 50. 200 IM for time. 300 warm down.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 031214 "Dryland Wednesday"

Light stretching. We will observe DRYLAND WEDNESDAY today,since we didn't last week. Thanks

Monday, March 10, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 031014

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. 321 Warmup - 300 free,200 pull,100 Kick . 6 x 50 sprint kick(alternating dolphin and flutter by 50). 6 x 100 -2 x 3 rounds of 100 free, 25 fly,75 free.Then 50 fly,50 free.Then 75 fly,25 free.Then 100 Butterfly. Repeat but with backstroke for #2, then #3 will be Breast stroke. Repeat. 6 x 50 Flutter and breaststroke kick-alternating by 50's. Drill set: Coley Stickels Butterfly drill: 4 x 25. Sprint set: 4 x 50 free on the 45. Hypoxic 200.200 warm down.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 030614

Stretching and light dryland core strengthening. 321 Warmup- 300 Swim, 200 Pull,100 Kick. STRENGTH SET THURSDAY - We will perform a series of strength based sprints ,combining dryland and aquatic excercises with the set. Group specific sets to be given out on deck. 200 warm down. aproximately 2400 yards tonight. NOTE: Please sign up for meet in Moraga on Sunday March 23rd(AIA). This meet closes in less than a week. Thank you

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


We will be holding an ALL Team Meeting tonight. The corrected time is 6 pm for parents,and 6:30 pm for Swimmers.

Monday, March 3, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 030314

Light Stretching due to weather. Warmup:200 swim choice.We will swim 20 x 125 broken into 5 sets of 4 x 125. 1-4 Kicking -stroke order DOUBLE BACK(quadrant kicking except breastroke). Qudrant 100 = 25 on right side,50 on back,25 on left side,and 25 on front. Numbers 5 through 8 are Drill (long axis on odd 125's and short axis on even 125's). Numbers 9 through 12 are Bubble IM's starting sprint 50 stroke then next three strokes 80% effort. So..... 50 Butterfly SPRINT followed by back,breast,free at 80%. Numbers 13 through 16 are ALL stroke for first 100 then drill on last 25. 17 through 20 are a mix of hypoxic and hybrid drills. # 17 = breathing every 7th stroke for 125. #18 = Fist free 50 ,followed by 75 of 3 stroke ,6 kick drill. # 19 = breathing every 9th stroke. #20 = warm down.

BEAR SWIMMING 11/11/2023

Hello, Just checking in and recommending any of our workouts as point of departure sets on you're Swimming fitness journey. Coach Pat i...