Bear Home Meer

Bear Home Meer

Monday, March 3, 2014

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 030314

Light Stretching due to weather. Warmup:200 swim choice.We will swim 20 x 125 broken into 5 sets of 4 x 125. 1-4 Kicking -stroke order DOUBLE BACK(quadrant kicking except breastroke). Qudrant 100 = 25 on right side,50 on back,25 on left side,and 25 on front. Numbers 5 through 8 are Drill (long axis on odd 125's and short axis on even 125's). Numbers 9 through 12 are Bubble IM's starting sprint 50 stroke then next three strokes 80% effort. So..... 50 Butterfly SPRINT followed by back,breast,free at 80%. Numbers 13 through 16 are ALL stroke for first 100 then drill on last 25. 17 through 20 are a mix of hypoxic and hybrid drills. # 17 = breathing every 7th stroke for 125. #18 = Fist free 50 ,followed by 75 of 3 stroke ,6 kick drill. # 19 = breathing every 9th stroke. #20 = warm down.

1 comment:

  1. NOTE: We will have a Team meeting on Wednesday March 5th . 5:30 for Parents, 6:00 for Swimmers. Thank you


BEAR SWIMMING 11/11/2023

Hello, Just checking in and recommending any of our workouts as point of departure sets on you're Swimming fitness journey. Coach Pat i...