Bear Home Meer

Bear Home Meer

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BEAR SWIMMING Workout 020613

Dryland, Stretching,some core strengthening. Aquatic Warmup; 3,2,1 - 300 choice swim, 200 pull,100 kick . Short Axis drill set : 4 x 50(alternating fly and breast by 50) Butterfly (slow arm + flutter kick)Breaststroke(dolphin kick+ breastroke arms). Main Set ; Pyramid 100 free,200 IM,300,free,400 IM,300 freestyle drill,200 IM Kick,100 Free with Bi -lateral breathing technique. 50 Free -1 st 25 heads up "tarzan" last 25 hypoxic Freestyle . 300 warm down.


  1. BEAR Bike ride Sunday February 17th , 10 am. Contact Coach Pat to RSVP.

  2. I've looked everywhere on your brochure and website. Where is the pool?


BEAR SWIMMING 11/11/2023

Hello, Just checking in and recommending any of our workouts as point of departure sets on you're Swimming fitness journey. Coach Pat i...